Dewpoint & Humidity

Relative Humidity learn more

Relative Humidity

The Relative Humidity map displays the current relative humidity (%) at each Mesonet site. Relative Humidity is the measure of the water vapor content of the air at a given temperature.

This map is updated every 5 minutes.
3-hour Humidity Change learn more

3-hour Humidity Change

The 3-hour Humidity Change map plots the change in relative humidity at each Mesonet station over the past 3 hours. This map is updated every 5 minutes.
24-hour Humidity Change learn more

24-hour Humidity Change

The 24-hour Humidity Change map plots the change in relative humidity at each Mesonet station over the past 24 hours. This map is updated every 5 minutes.
Dewpoint Temperature learn more

Dewpoint Temperature

The Dewpoint Temperature map displays the current dewpoint temperature (degrees F) observed at each Mesonet site. Dewpoint is the temperature to which air must be cooled for saturation to occur (given a constant pressure and water vapor content).

This map is updated every 5 minutes.
1-hour Dewpoint Temperature Change learn more

1-hour Dewpoint Temperature Change

The 1-hour Dewpoint Temperature Change map plots the change in dewpoint temperature (degrees F) at each Mesonet station over the past 1 hour. This map is updated every 5 minutes.
3-hour Dewpoint Temperature Change learn more

3-hour Dewpoint Temperature Change

The 3-hour Dewpoint Temperature Change map plots the change in dewpoint temperature (degrees F) at each Mesonet station over the past 3 hours. This map is updated every 5 minutes.
Dewpoint Depression learn more

Dewpoint Depression

The Dewpoint Depression map displays the difference (degrees Fahrenheit) between the air temperature and the dewpoint temperature. This map is updated every 5 minutes.
24-hour Dewpoint Temperature Change learn more

24-hour Dewpoint Temperature Change

The 24-hour Dewpoint Temperature Change map plots the change in dewpoint temperature (degrees F) at each Mesonet station over the past 24 hours. This map is updated every 5 minutes.
24-hour Maximum Dewpoint Temperature learn more

24-hour Maximum Dewpoint Temperature

The 24-hour Maximum Dewpoint Temperature map displays the maximum dewpoint temperature (degrees F) at each Mesonet site over the past 24 hours. This map is updated every 5 minutes.
Wet-Bulb Temperature learn more

Wet-Bulb Temperature

The Wet-Bulb Temperature map displays the temperature the air would have if it cooled to saturation by evaporation (given a constant pressure). Lower wet bulb temperatures in the summer mean that air conditioners can more efficiently cool the air. Wet bulb temperatures below freezing in the winter indicate that temperatures could drop below freezing during precipitation.
Theta-E learn more


The Theta-E map displays the equivalent potential temperature at each Mesonet station in degrees Kelvin. Theta-E is a quantity that indicates the stability of the atmosphere, or the available energy in the atmosphere. In general, larger Theta-E values represent greater potential instability. Theta-E is the temperature the air would have if (1) all of the moisture were condensed out and (2) it was lowered to sea level.
Moisture Convergence learn more

Moisture Convergence

The Moisture Convergence map displays areas where wind and moisture converge or diverge across the state. Areas of moisture convergence represent locations favorable for the development of surface-based thunderstorms.
Relative Humidity and Winds learn more

Relative Humidity and Winds

The Relative Humidity and Winds map displays the current relative humidity, displayed in percent (%), at each Mesonet site, as well as the average wind conditions across Oklahoma. Relative Humidity is the measure of the water vapor content of the air at a given temperature. The arrows, known as wind vectors, indicate both the average wind speeds (in miles per hour) at 10 meters (33 feet) across Oklahoma and the average direction the wind is blowing toward. This map is updated every 5 minutes.
Dewpoint Temperature and Winds learn more

Dewpoint Temperature and Winds

The Dewpoint Temperature and Winds map displays the current dewpoint temperature, displayed in Fahrenheit, at each Mesonet site, as well as the average wind conditions across Oklahoma. The arrows, known as wind vectors, indicate both the average wind speeds (in miles per hour) at 10 meters (33 feet) across Oklahoma and the average direction the wind is blowing toward. This map is updated every 5 minutes.


National Dewpoint Temperature learn more

National Dewpoint Temperature

The Dewpoint Temperature map displays the current dewpoint temperature (degrees F) observed at each National Weather Service site. Dewpoint is the temperature to which air must be cooled for saturation to occur (given a constant pressure and water vapor content).

This map is updated every hour using data from NOAA's National Weather Service.

National Relative Humidity learn more

National Relative Humidity

The Relative Humidity map displays the current relative humidity (%) at each National Weather Service site. Relative Humidity is the measure of the water vapor content of the air at a given temperature.

This map is updated every hour using data from NOAA's National Weather Service.